Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Spectacular Space Sighting!

On Tuesday, March 8th 2011 I heard about a space event. I called all my friends to watch with me. We gathered around to see the Discovery Space Shuttle and the International Space Station.

At 7:25pm, we saw something that looked like a shooting star. It was the Discovery Space Shuttle! We were so amazed as it was so tiny in the sky. Two minutes later, we saw another object like the shooting star, it was the International Space Station. We could see its wings. They both flew from Northwest to Southeast.

We all cheered except for my brother who kept trying to runaway. It was a spectacular sight! The space program is soon coming to an end in the US, so it was great to see the Discovery as it prepares to land in Florida tomorrow.

For more about the International Space Station and Discovery Space Shuttle, you can refer the NASA website or Wikipedia.

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Birthday Party at Lets Cupcake

On February 6, 2011, I had a birthday party at a place called Lets Cupcake. Come on and enjoy reading my story and join the cupcake fun. Remember, dont get over excited. Okay lets start the fun.

I had a birthday party at Let's Cupcake. A lot of my friends came. My mom made macaroni and cheese and sandwiches, There were tomato sandwiches and cucumber sandwiches, but I only are cucumber sandwiches. I also ate some macaroni and cheese.

We watched Little Mermaid while waiting for the other kids to finish eating. After everyone ate, Edna, the person guiding was us showed how to make flowers on our cupcakes with icing. She let us pick 2 different kinds of sprinkles. After we decorated our cupcakes we played musical chair and pass the orange. I won the pass the orange game and got a prize. It was lip gloss that smelled like cupcakes and a cupcake pin.

After the party, I was so tired, but I enjoyed a lot. It was the best birthday party ever. Thank you for reading my wonderful amazing story. Find more of my stories in this book. I really want to thanks my mom and dad for this party.

The end!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

FSC - Animal Kingdon

We had a chance to learn about the Animal Kingdom. Animal kingdom has 2 groups, vertebrates and Invertebrates.
Vertebrates are animals with back bone. Vertebrates are Mammals, Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles and Birds.
Invertebrates are animals without a backbone. Invertebrates are Protozoa, Echinoderms, Mollusks, Arthropods and Annelids.
We also learnt a word called 'Metamorphosis'. This is when an animals changes form. Butterflies and Frogs go through this change. Butterfly starts as caterpillar, then reach larva stage. They make a cocoon and become butterflies.
Frogs are eggs that become tadpoles which then grows legs to become a young frog. Tadpoles have gills to breathe. Finally the tail disappears becoming a frog. Frog breathes through its lungs or skin.
My video blog is here