Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Being Greeeeeeeeeen

Today I want to share some ways to make the earth greener. My science club teacher told us some ways to be green and I had a chance to learn a few more which I want to share with you all.

Some of the things we can do are simple and easy.

1 - We can go to the car wash instead of wasting water at home. Car washes are designed to use less water. This means we wont waste water unnecessarily.

2 - Trees are cut down to make paper. It is good practice to use both sides of the paper, so we cut less trees. Trees give us oxygen, so we should have more trees on earth.

3 - Take short showers instead of tub bath or bubble baths. Showers make the water fall on you and you can use water efficiently by turning it off when you are done. But with tubs, you have to fill the whole tub with water and a lot of gallons are wasted.

4 - Turn off computers and lights when not in use. This wastes a lot of electricity if you don't. During the day keep the blinds and drapes open for natural sun light to brighten your space. Use energy efficient light bulbs that do not have mercury.

5 - Plant more trees and plants around your house. Plants go through a process called photosynthesis and use water from the soil, sun light and give out oxygen which is needed for all living creatures. If there is fresh oxygen all the time, it will be healthy.

6 - Limited use of plastic is very important. Plastics are not biodegradable. If there is plastic waste everywhere, that will increase wasteland. Use earth friendly products like reusable bags, biodegradable products so the earth can be cleaner.

7 - Carpool to work to save gas. If you have to go close-by, walk or bicycle if you want to reach faster.

8 - Try to use natural oils instead of perfumes and other aerosols. They make giant holes in the ozone layer and all the bad rays of the Sun will reach earth and harm us.

Thats all for now folks! More later.


1 comment:

Anu A said...

omigod! So much gyan from a little girl. We should be ashamed if we are not following all these tips already! Sanju darling - I am so proud of you for understanding all this, and caring enough to blog about it! What a sweetie you are!